[O] 0Ground Icons iOS7 & iOS8 3.5 And here it is 0Ground for iOS7. It toke me some time to update it because I remade all the icons again. Is compatible with i4, 4s, 5, 5c and 5s running on ios7. Contain: UI pack, more them 800 custom icons, LS widgets, iwidgets pack, BiteSms theme, CK, OpenNotifier icons, TouchBar theme, Iconomatic Shadow, ClassicBadge, LoadingScreens, FolderIcons, More to come. I like to thank to all my great friends who support me and to all the ppl who like my work. [COLOR="Magenta"]Recent Changes 3.4: This update bring alot of icons fix. Click the button below com.macciti.0groundiconsios7_v3.5_iphoneos-arm
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