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Showing posts from August, 2015

[O] Everest 1.1

Compatible iOS 7 & iOS 8 Everest is a new tweak that allows you to access media controls, quick and fast. It uses an activator gesture to show the banner. The banner allows you to play/pause, swipe to go forward, swipe to go backward. Everest is also shown when the song changes. Everest results in a simple, non-interrupted user experience! Configure options from the Settings.   In this version: - Fixed Safe Mode Crashes - Added Option for twitter sharing - Added Complete TinyBar Support - Added Support for many third players such as Rdio, Beats Music and Google Play and Pandora - Added Toggle for Notification Swipe DOWNLOAD

Angry Birds Fight! v0.1.4

Angry Birds Fight! By Rovio Entertainment Ltd Description Get ready for a showdown in Angry Birds Fight! – a match-3 frenzy where you take on other players in real-time battles of strategic, bird swapping agility! Join your favorite flock on a journey to match tons of addictive feathery puzzles! GET READY TO RUMBLE Play against friends (and foes) in real-time matches. Race against the clock to match as many panels as possible to power up your bird for the fight! GRRRR! ARM YOURSELF Equip your birds with wacky weapons and questionable armor to give them more health, attack power and also some special skills to give you the edge. It’s fight or flight! SET SAIL AND FIGHT Explore uncharted islands packed with challengers – then knock ‘em out in a match-three frenzy! Win to unlock more birds, weapons and other items. Just look out for the Monster Pigs… CHALLENGE other players globally in real-time match-three puzzles POWER UP birds for the fight by matching faster and better than your oppo...

[C] iBox 1.1.6-3

Compatible with iOS 7 and 8   Main Features: 1.StatusBar NetMeter and Floating window NetMeter. 2.No PassCode on Trusty WiFi. - you are at home,you can jump over the LockScreen without input your PassCode. 3.Add StatusBar Mute Icon. 4.Allow StatusBar Style Personalization. - Support for custom time format. - Support for operator name changes. - Support for lock screen displays the time. - Support for hidden statusbar icon. - Support for Replacing WiFi operator name to WiFi SSID or IP address. 5.Support for modifying the data icon. 6.More Customization Features In SpringBoard - Support for Notification Center always show cleared. - Support for Canceling Spotlight. - Support for WIFI signal showing numbers. - Support for hidden "unread notifications" tab. - Support for clicking on the icon to display WIFI SSID name and IP address. - Support for modifying the lock screen text. - Support for modifying the system animation speed. - Support for long open press HOME to open flashli...

[O] Dissident 1.1-1 (update)

Hey guys, well some of you may or may not know that their has been quite a bit of hype lately regarding Backgrounding tweaks and there is currently 3 different tweaks in the works (4 if you count Ryan Petrich's 'Battery Waster' tweak), Dissident has recently been released, making it the first official release of all of the contenders! Download:  Dropbox Note: depends on libstatusbar Changelog:

[C] MusicTransport 0.1-5

Supports iOS 8 to 8.4 MusicTransport Transmit music or sounds effects over a call! A new era, mixing audio with your voice in calls, has just arrived! Transmit songs or sound effects in a call, mixed with your own voice! Other party thinks these sounds actually come from the place you are at the moment! Ever wanted to call someone and have them listen to a song you like from your Music Library, over the phone? Or dedicate a song to someone without being limited by the poor quality of placing your phone over a speaker? Or sing a song or karaoke to someone over the phone, while they are listening to the song in full call quality along with your voice, fully mixed? Or call someone and have them listen to a recorded Voice Memo you've made? Or use a Voice Memo you have recorded as ambient sound effect, to have the one you're calling thinking you are in a different place at that moment? Or make someone think you're in a different place, by adding sound effects or loud music in t...

AutoTouch 3.5.1-2 cracked

Some guys told that @Gismo987's AutoTouch 3.5.1-2 cracked still expire after few days. So I re-crack it here  Download me.autotouch.autotouch.ios8_3.5.1-2_iphoneos-arm.deb from - send big files the easy way Update 8th: Fixed more bugs, no more delete scripts, change method & added new server to get license file No need to remove previous version anymore! No need cracktool either Just install and then enjoy Thanks to @BlackStab for his license server Thanks to anyone helped me with this crack This is the last release of the crack. No more, this is stable  One more fix added, too bad for me  ( If your device still shows not authorised after install this crack, please follow these instructions: 1. Install CrackTool from julioverne 2. If you use iFile/Filza, locate to /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries then find "ATTweak.dylib" and rename it to "AutoTouchTweak.dylib" If you use Terminal, run "att" 3. Open CrackTool, find "Aut...

EasySpring 2 version 2.0-1

iOS only allows you to shutdown your device and turn it back on. There’s no option to restart or respring your device. EasySpring2 is a new jailbreak tweak by iOS developer TheNinjaprawn that responds to this issue. The tweak provides a quick way for respringing or restarting your device as well as make your device enter Safe Mode in case you’ve installed a buggy tweak. There are two ways in which you can activate the tweak. The fastest way is by holding down the Sleep/Lock button which normally displays a slider to shut down your device. With EasySpring2 installed, you’ll be displayed with 6 circular icons which include: * Shutdown * Respring * Reboot * Safe Mode * Clean UiC * Cancel The ‘Clean UiC’ option allows you to clean all the user interface caches from your device and restarts it once done. It only takes a few minutes to complete the action. The shutdown, respring and reboot option will come in handy to those users who’ve go a faulty Sleep/Wake button and require a different ...

[O] Messages Customiser Pro 1.2.1~beta

Hopefully this will fix the crashing issue, If you aren't able to set picture background please contact me - it seems to be working for mosy but not for others (it's working fine for me which makes it hard to isolate the problem). This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1279x2468. DOWNLOAD

[HACK] RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 1.0

Requirements: - iDevice, - iFunBox, iFile, Diskaid, iTools, iMazing, Etc Features: - Unlimited Coins 1. Close the game from multitasking 2. Delete and reinstall / RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 3. Extract and place all files inside Library folder to RCT3/Documents 4. Enjoy! Hack By: Nameloos .IPA DOWNLOAD (Almost 600mb) HACK DOWNLOAD

Magisto - Magical Video Editor v3.2.2

Magisto - Magical Video Editor Note:  This is a UNIVERSAL APP so this HACK works for both  iPhone  and  ipad . Requirements: - Jailbreak - ifile Features: 1 - get Premium version 2 - Unlimited Cloud Storage For Your ... 3 - Unlimited SD Downloads 4 - Upload 25 Clips per Movie 5 - create Longer Movies 6 - Upload 30 Photos per Movie Download: Instructions: 1. Download the deb file 2. Copy it in your Device 3. Install it using iFIle 4. Respring your Device 6. Start the game and Enjoy! Credits: ( GM-4 )

[O] LocalIAPStore iOS 8.4 1.4-4

In-App Purchases on iOS 7 and 8. Compatible with ARMv8 (64 Bit). All iOS Without online Games and Apps. Compatible with iOS 7 and 8 * In-App purchases * All iOS Without online Games and Apps * PRESS 'DISMISS' ON POPUP! Changelog: 1.4-4 Bug Fixes Support iOS 8.4 Enable Double Coins Working only all iOS 7+ DOWNLOAD

[O] Movie Box 3 3.3.6

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1242x2208. Change Log: * Captcha fixed * Resuming play fixed * Other hidden fixes DOWNLOAD

Style HD for iOS7 & iOS8 1.2

Style HD for iOS7 & iOS8 1.2 This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 750x1334. New Version Style HD theme designed for iOS 7. Available for iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5G. Recent Changes 1.2: iOS 8 comatibility. DOWNLOAD

[O] Cercube 2 Cercube 2.0.4

  [O] Cercube 2 Cercube 2.0.4 Cercube is a fully featured YouTube extension, which adds tons of useful features to the official YouTube app available on the AppStore. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 750x1334. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 750x1334. Cercube was crafted with love to beautifully integrate to the YouTube app and extend its abilities while keeping its beautiful look and feel. ------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads ------------------------------------------------------------- One of Cercube's remarkable features is the ability to download videos while viewing any video, with just a tap of the button you'll be able save that video on your device. Later on, you can save the video to Camera Roll or import it as a song to your Music library. Click the button below me.freemanrepo.cercube_v2.0.4_iphon...

[O] Nanna 1.0

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 960x400. Nanna Updated for iOS 8 DOWNLOAD

[Theme] ROMANCE - Your next changlenge

Hello friends, This is my new theme:  ROMANCE . Support iOS 7 & 8 (iPad maybe OK, because i make all the icon size, so that the theme is big) The main colour is Yellow-brown. All the icon have high details and easy look. Icon is smaller 15% than original (see the screenshot for better view ^.^) Beta 1 ready to download. Update August 22: - Lockscreen: simple, only Datetime, save battery 5s: Quote: Romance.LS.5s.theme 6+: Quote: Romance.LS.6 .theme - Wallpaper set: Different background color Quote: Wallpapers + Blank walls for design: Quote: - Icon PSD: Quote: !Icon.Release How to get this theme: - Please donate 2.99$ to my Paypal: How to request icon: - Send me your Apps name and Icon size to: Some icon Screenshot: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1000x667. The mo...

[O] Everest 1.1

Compatible iOS 7 & iOS 8 Everest is a new tweak that allows you to access media controls, quick and fast. It uses an activator gesture to show the banner. The banner allows you to play/pause, swipe to go forward, swipe to go backward. Everest is also shown when the song changes. Everest results in a simple, non-interrupted user experience! Configure options from the Settings.   In this version: - Fixed Safe Mode Crashes - Added Option for twitter sharing - Added Complete TinyBar Support - Added Support for many third players such as Rdio, Beats Music and Google Play and Pandora - Added Toggle for Notification Swipe DOWNLOAD

[O] MOViES 1.0.1

Watch your favorite movies at maximum speed, highest quality & ads free. Supports AirPlay and ChromeCast. DOWNLOAD My View On The App: Poor Interface. For instance, when you open the app and hit the settings, theres 3 Sources but the app will be on Source 3 by default....which is the shittiest. barely any movies in that source. and the ones that are there, you have to wait for the "Watch Now" button to illuminate in order to watch it. Source 1 awesome, Source 2 is also awesome....even has some "In theaters films". Good app, but still medicore. MOVIE STREAMS ARE FAST, but the UI of the app is SLOW AS FUCK. Still a Good App still since Playbox has been acting up as of recently (they look to be recovering.) Give It A Try and Leave Feedback Below. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1242x2208. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1242x2208. ...