Equipment needed: Iphone/Ipod/Ipad Shadow fight 2 Cydia Instructions: 1. Go to Cydia and add this repo: typ0s2d10 2. Once you have installed the repo, download Tsprotector P for IOS 7 or Tsprotector 8 for IOS 8. 3. Once you have downloaded the required Tsprotector, go to settings, find Tsprotector and enable it. 4. Go back to Cydia and add this repo: 5. Once you have added this repo, install the LocalIAPStore tweak. 6. Once the tweak is done installing, go to settings, find LocalIAPStore and enable it. 7. Once you have done all this, you can open up Shadow fight 2 get free in app purchases. When you make your first in app purchase on Shadow fight 2, once you go to the map, you will encounter a character named "kid" who will admire your fighting style and ask to become your apprentice. Click accept and the next time you go to the dojo, you should see an icon of a man in the top right corner. NOTES: the tweaks can be installed in any order. -...