Frustrated trying to figure out how to save Instagram Photos to your device? Worry no more, Instahancer seemlessly add's this ability, as if it came by default. Simply Tap+Hold on a photo you would like to save and be presented with several Save options; To Camera or Instagram Roll(s), Attach to Email, Copy Image to your clipboard, or even Copy the direct link itself! You all asked, and now you got! Newest addition to Instahancer is the hook it now has in the Camera Roll. Directly export photos from your Camera Roll into Instagram using the "Open in Instagram" activity. (Note: iOS6+ Only. Unfortunately Instagram Crops the Photo automatically at the moment.) Instahancer also let's you zoom on Images, Tap+Hold on an image and select the "Zoom" option. You'll be presented with a new view with a higher resolution Image that you can zoom on and see photos in greater detail. You can also Enlarge Profile Pics! Another feature Instahancer bestows upon you is th...
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