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Showing posts from October, 2015

[O] CCQuick Pro iOS9 v1.0

CCQuick Pro iOS9  Compatible with iOS 9 If you purchase CCQuick Pro, you can use "CCQuick Pro for iOS9" for free Also available, CCQuick Pro for iOS8 StatusBar Gesture Swipe right to lock device in anywhere. Swipe left to goto Home Screen in Application, and to lock device in Home Screen. Double Tap to open Multitask. Hold to Screen Capture. Hide ControlCenter Sections You can hide unused section Customize ControlCenter BackgroundColor by RGB and alpha Multitask Customize CCQuick Pro Buttons. Add more CCQuick Buttons. Swipe up on the APP Icon when Portrait, and swipe right on the APP Icon when Landscape.  Hold on to kill background. Animation and Gesture You can push the MainView up when ContorlCenter is transition. Also you can swipe up than original height and drag off to quit app or lock device and you can set the height which activate the gesture functions. Animation and Gesture!!!!!!  ControlCenter Animation and Gesture, you can push the MainView up when ContorlCent...

[O] DownCloud 2.0

The easiest Way to download audio from SoundCloud on your iPhone. (No longer available at the App Store) This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1242x2208. DOWNLOAD

[C] Volume Amplifier v1.70

Volume Amplifier v1.70 Cracked Buy Volume Amplifier One of the main problems in iPhone 4S/5/5C/5S/6/6+ and also iOS 7/8 (or any other iPad for that matter) is that the speaker volume is not loud enough while talking on the phone. hAcx Volume Amplifier fixes this problem by directly manipulating the speaker audio stream and amplifies it by up to 200%. YES! 200%. The difference between Volume Amplifier and other Voice boosting tweaks out there on Cydia is that it does not alter a specific OS configuration file (which actually don't work), it actually manipulates the audio stream in such way that you will really notice the difference. The tweak just got a major update and now amplifies EVERYTHING that comes out of your speaker (internal or external on iPhone 5/5C/5S/6/6+ and only External on iPhone 4s). so now you can amplify your iPod music, VOIP calls (such as Viber, Skype, FaceTime, ..), Radio players, Ringer and much more. The tweak doesn't add any application or settings to ...

[O] Dissident 1.1-1 (update)

Hey guys, well some of you may or may not know that their has been quite a bit of hype lately regarding Backgrounding tweaks and there is currently 3 different tweaks in the works (4 if you count Ryan Petrich's 'Battery Waster' tweak), Dissident has recently been released, making it the first official release of all of the contenders! Download:  Dropbox Note: depends on libstatusbar Changelog:

[HACK] HotspotVPN Free VPN Proxy

Requirements: 1. Jailbroken iDevice 2. iFile / Filza 3. Cydia Substrate Features: 1. Elite Account NOTE: As you look at the pic, it says 0 Days remaining, but IT IS INDEED CRACKED. One way to distinguish if this works or not is to uninstall the hack and try to choose a 'Virtual Location'. It shouldn't let you (unless you're on a 7-day trial). I'm using and it can confirmed its working. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1242x2208. DOWNLOAD

[O] iTransmission iOS 9

Download torrent directly from your iDevice. Supports iOS 9.0.2. Deb :   iTransnission iOS 9 Official repo : Code: Instruction: 1. Install with iFile/Filza or any similar. You can also download & install via official repo. 2. After install, navigate to var/mobile/Documents/config using iFile/Filza & make 777 permission [Read, Write, Execute] to blocklists, Resume, Torrents folder. 3. Respring.

[O] Aeternum Hives

This is not on the default repos yet so this can be considered LEAKED. You can check his Twitter to see check (it's @irealsms) I don't know if this has drm cuz I purchase the original Aeternum so you can check for yourself.  (BTW how I got this is well, a reviewer accidentally gave away his private repo (and for some reason SpiritOfLogic didn't put UDID protection)   ) DOWNLOAD LINK:

***Update 3 (10-27-15)***Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool v.1.2.0(windows)

Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool for all compatible devices running ios 9xx. - only windows compatible for now, Mac users grab a windows PC or just wait until a Mac version will be released. ***Update 3*** V1.2.0 (2015-10-27) 1. Bundle latest Cydia with new Patcyh which fixed failure to open url scheme in MobileSafari 2. Fixed the bug that “preferences -> Storage&iCloud Usage -> Manage Storage” keeps spinning Notice: Please update "Pangu 9.0.x Untether" and "Patcyh" in Cydia if your device is already jailbroken, without the need to re-jailbreak it ***Update 2*** V1.1.0 (2015-10-21) 1. Improve the success rate and reliability of jailbreak program for 64bit devices 2. Optimize backup process and improve jailbreak speed, and fix an issue that leads to fail to jailbreak due to low disk space in Windows. 3. Fix a bug that leads to an exit of the jailbreak tool due to abnormal network status. 4. Add the re-jailbreak function (only for some dev...

Cydia Substrate v 0.9.5001 [IOS 7] **UPDATE**

Substrate version 0.9.5000 is now compatible with both iOS 7 and the ARM64 CPU used in the iPhone 5S (and many of those new iPads).

[P] LocalIAPStore iOS 8.4 1.4-4

In-App Purchases on iOS 7 and 8. Compatible with ARMv8 (64 Bit). All iOS Without online Games and Apps. Compatible with iOS 7 and 8 * In-App purchases * All iOS Without online Games and Apps * PRESS 'DISMISS' ON POPUP! Changelog: 1.4-4 Bug Fixes Support iOS 8.4 Enable Double Coins Working only all iOS 7+ DOWNLOAD

Dead Effect 2 + 2

Dead Effect 2 + 2 This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1600x900. Requirements: Jailbroken iDevice iFile/Filza PreferenceLoader CydiaSubstrat Instructions and Download: - Download the file from the link above - install hack by iFile/Filza - active hack from setting - Open the game and enjoy Deb File;   Free Hack Dead Effect 2 v1.0 For those who hack not work use Binary file in location var/mobile/coniner/Application/ Dead effect2/ replace deadeffect2{and  set permission 777 Binary File :  deadeffect2

[C] Filza File Manager 2.0.1-55

Powerful File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Designed for iOS 7 and 8. Flat design, with best performance: – File viewers: Media player, Hex editor, Text editor, SQLite Editor, IPA Installer, DEB Installer, Web viewer, Terminal …. – SQLite Editor was design for large query, works well with over 100k+ rows in result – Execute shell scripts and applications just few tap – Cloud services: Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, WebDAV, FTP, SFTP – Supports SMB (Windows File Sharing) – Search files and folders easily – Powerful files copy/move design, just few taps – Download normal/html file with easy way: copy html link to Pasteboard, and paste it to destination folder – Manage Music library easily: import/export/delete/rename ... just do same as normal files – Explore files in list view mode or grid view mode, with thumbnail – Compress zip file, decompress zip/7z/rar/tar/tar.gz/gz ... – Install and extract DEB/IPA file, view DEB/IPA file information – Black theme and white theme, custom fold...

Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool for MAC users. ver. 1.0.0.

Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool Pangu9 for Mac users for all compatible devices. version 1.0.0 Video tutorial Pangu jailbreak tool is released for Mac users, it has the exact same functions as the Windows version so for more info and to see the exact steps to be taken see the video tutorial above or read my other thread ***Update 3 (10-27-15)***Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool v.1.2.0(windows) - SiNfuL iPhone Most of the issues which we all encountered in the windows version are all fixed. Download from their official site: PanGu iOS 9 jailbreak tool - Alternate FilePup download link: - Dead Simple Personal Cloud Please if you appreciate, don't spam the thread with "Thanks" posts or any other similar! Use the "THANKS" button! Thank you.

***Update***Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool v.1.0.1(windows)

Pangu team released ios 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak tool for all compatible devices running ios 9xx. - only windows compatible for now, Mac users grab a windows PC or just wait until a Mac version will be released. ***Update*** ver. 1.0.1 Fixes: 1. Fixes a bug that leads to 0A error code. 2. Fix failure of launching on some pc. 3. Improve success rate. 4. Ensure the removal of the Pangu app. PanGu iOS 9 jailbreak tool - Alternate download link ver. 1.0.1(Mega):!GUkXXbII!1a31ox-T3...M38Mi2FIMsfMsI Don't write "Thanks, Thank you, Thx, etc"!!! Use the Thanks button located in the bottom right corner. Thank you  Tutorial: 1. Disable FMY (Find My iPhone) 2. Disable Touch ID and Passcode Lock 3. Backup all the shit on your device (for safety) 4. IMPORTANT! Activate Airplane mode. ***** Steps to be taken: 1. Connect your device to your PC and close iTunes. 2. Hit start to initiate the procedure. 3. Click on "Already backup". 4. If "Airplane m...

[O] NewOS 2 1.2

My first theme was NewOS, and now I am very proud to continue the NewOS legacy. NewOS 2 takes the elegant simplicity of the original NewOS, and builds upwards. The elegant color palette will ease your eyes from the harsh colors of stock iOS. To put it into more simple terms; you will smile every time you look at the beautiful icons. This initial release includes 100 themed icons. I will be adding some minor UI enhancements in some future updates. Please email me for icon requests. **IconBundles is REQUIRED for NewOS 2 to function properly** This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1080x1920. Recent Changes Click the button below com.macciti.newos2_v1.2_iphoneos-arm(2)