iOS 8.1.1 & 8.2(beta) JailBreak Released by TaiG TaiG released a jailbreak for iOS 8.1.1 and iOS 8.2 beta devices this evening, roughly two weeks after Apple closed the latest Pangu jailbreak by releasing iOS 8.1.1. This is obviously a huge surprise for us, so bear with us for a few minutes as we sort through everything and we will be updating this post shortly. Short instructions : 1: Turn off your Find my iPhone from setting of your Device. 2: Make a backup of your device using iTunes 3: make jailbreak If any thing goes wrong make a fresh restore then make Jb and after that restore your backup using iTunes which you made at step 2 For Detail Instructions Follow This Link use Google translator if you are dumb enough to follow pics Reason I'm not making a guide for this cause this thing don't need a guide. This is Newer ver
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