Thanks to our Good Friend and Genius / JulioVere and of course the Great Cydia creator SauriK. Comes the Birth of Ext3nder Auto- Signing Certificate Ext3nder – Automatically Install Cydia Extender and Sign Yalu Jailbreak Eminent developer Julioverne has released an alternative to Cydia Extender Installer called Ext3nder. This new utility automatically installs Saurik’s Cydia Extender application along with Julioverne’s Extendlife tweak. How it works. Update (March 19) – The latest version is Ext3nder 0.9.41_008. It includes the auto-sign feature. Here are some of its features – Automatic resigning of IPAs Spoof TeamID Auto Login Revoke Certificates automatically installd OTA Patch No VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection needed Which devices does Ext3nder support? IPHONE iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone SE iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus IPAD iPad Pro (12.9 inches) iPad Pro (9.7 inches) iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad Mini 2 iPad Mini 3 iPad Mini 4 IPOD iPod touch...
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