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Showing posts from September, 2016

[K] Flex 2 v2.0

Description: Flex gives you the power to modify apps and change their behavior. Want to see every timestamp in the Messages app? The patch takes no longer than 30 seconds to make. Compatible with iOS 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 More info about Flex 2  here. Depends:  firmware (>= 5.1), mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000), firmware (<< 7.0), com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0) Change-log: - Now compatible with iOS 9.3.3. - Fixed bug where patches wouldn't be active on a reboot until after a re-spring. - Details on obtaining Flex 3 added to info panel. - Minor text fixes. Download:   Cracked Flex 2 v2.0 Credits:   julioverne

Secret Folder Icon

Features: - Unlimited unlock all features! - No Ads! Instructions: - Install Secret Folder Icon from  iTunes  Open and then close it. - Open iMazing and go to 'Apps' then find & click on Secret Folder Icon (Folder). Click on 'Copy to PC' and back up the file to your Desktop. - Download the from below and unzip the plist file. - Open Winrar and navigate to Folder.FolderLockFreeapp/Container/Library/Preferences and paste the plist file here. - Close Winrar and in iMazing click on 'Manage Apps' and then 'Restore App' let iMazing do the rest. Download:

Private Password Manager Vault

Private Password Manager Vault Features: - Pro version! - No Ads! Instructions: - Install Private Password Manager Vault from  iTunes  Open and then close it. - Open iMazing and go to 'Apps' then find & click on Private Password Manager (Folder). Click on 'Copy to PC' and back up the file to your Desktop. - Download the from below and unzip the plist file. - Open Winrar and navigate to passwordmgr.passwordmgrapp/Container/Library/Preferences and paste the plist file here. - Close Winrar and in iMazing click on 'Manage Apps' and then 'Restore App' let iMazing do the rest. Download: Enjoys!

[O] Aube 1.5

  [O] Aube 1.5 "Aube" meaning Dawn. A new Day, a new beginning, a new experience! Aube the perfect french word to describe this photoshop masterpice that will catch your attention in a unique way! iOS7'S and iOS8 UI is good but unfortunatly icons simply don't match within the overall design. This being the reason why i started this theme, to make both UI and icons match and give the user a new experience. In addition to the subtle and well thought changes made to the icons, it includes the following touches. Status Bar UI. Zeppelin LOGO. Full Preferences theme. Wallpapers. Costume icon badge. 130 icons and more to come by request. ALT icons, and lot more... Requirements: ThemeLib from (cloister repo) FREE. IconOmatic (for under shadow only) FREE. iconBundles FREE. NOTE: As a note to anyone that buys this theme, i will support 100% with updates as i always have done in the past with my other themes. Will not work on another theme until iOS9, meanwhile wi...

[C]LinkStore iOS 8 v1.2

Once you have installed Linkstore tweak through Cydia, you can download cracked apps from the official Appstore. Linkstore is now updated and working with iOS 8 which means iOS 8 users can enjoy this tweak also. After a long wait Linkstore for iOS 8 is now updated and working on iOS 8.3 and may be on 8.4 now. Any iOS 8 users can now use this tweak whether user is using iPad, iPod or iPhone. Linkstore is a great alternative of Vshare, Installous, AppCake or many others. Linkstore for iOS 8 is the best IPA installer, allow its users to install the cracked apps which are particularly paid and allow users to install the app directly from the iOS stock Appstore, no need of other store. Check out this ScreenShot for further idea about this Tweak:- LinkStore Updated For iOS 8 [Working 100%]Once you have installed the Linkstore tweak from cydia , a button will be placed under the Paid Application. As some uers complained that this tweak do not work because they thought that this tweak will ...

[HACK] VPN One Click Professional (All Versions)

[HACK] VPN One Click Professional (All Versions) Requirements: -  VPN One Click Professional - iPhone, iPad or iPod Hack Features: - 6 Months Subscription - 4 Years and 6 Months Subscription Instructions: 1. Download VPN One Click Professional and install it.  Vpn One Click Professional for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store 2. Open the app and click the "Downloads" tab at the bottom right of your screen. 3. Enter one of these codes: GENERATOR THANKS TO Bl4ckLion: 6 Months Subscription Code:  4K7C7Z0Q8D 4 Years & 6 Months Subscription Code:  6O1H7F7P7T More Subscription Codes:  SiNfuL iPhone - View Single Post - [HACK] VPN One Click Professional (All Versions) 4. After entering a code click "Return" on your keyboard. 5. Install the profile and you're done! Enjoy! 6. Click the   button below.